Ground Work 2021: Alabama Planting Season
2020 Ground Work: Weather Determining Work in Delaware
Delaware soybean farmer Cory Atkins shares a 2020 Ground Work update on harvesting small grains, double cropping soybeans and managing corn, soybeans and vegetables on…
2020 Ground Work: Controlling Weeds in Iowa
Iowa soybean farmer Lindsay Greiner shares a 2020 Ground Work update on weed control and managing pigs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
2020 Ground Work: Planting and Weed Control in Arkansas
Arkansas soybean farmer Brad Doyle shares a 2020 Ground Work update on planting and weed control for his farm and Eagles Seed Company.
2020 Ground Work: Gradual Start to Growing Season in Minnesota
Minnesota soybean farmer Jamie Beyer shares a 2020 Ground Work update, focusing on crop scouting, haylage, water quality projects and honeybees.
2020 Ground Work: Ongoing Planting in Delaware
Delaware soybean farmer Cory Atkins shares a 2020 Ground Work update on planting soybeans, corn and vegetables and managing cover crops on his farm.
2020 Ground Work: Crops Emerging in Iowa
Iowa soybean farmer Lindsay Greiner shares a 2020 Ground Work update on emerging corn and soybeans and controlling weeds on his farm, as well as…
2020 Ground Work: Planting Soybeans in Illinois
Illinois soybean farmer Elliott Uphoff shares a 2020 Ground Work update about planting soybeans and controlling weeds on his farm, as well as the economics…
2020 Ground Work: Planting Underway in Iowa
Iowa soybean farmer Lindsay Greiner shares a 2020 Ground Work update on planting corn and soybeans and controlling weeds on his farm.
U.S. Growers Learn More About Soybean Weed Control at South Dakota State University Summer Tour
SDSU's Volga Research Farm Summer Tour featured the newest technology for weed control and fighting resistant weeds in soybeans. When farmers can’t control weeds, they…
Yields were record-high in certain parts of the state
Overall, the state of South Dakota had good soybean yields this year—some were actually record-high in certain parts of the state. But the yields in…