Ground Work 2021: Alabama Planting Season
U.S. Soy Farmers are Conserving and Nurturing the Land for Future Generations
A peer-reviewed study published in the journal Land demonstrates a comparable amount of U.S. cropland moving in and out of production over a 35-year period[1]…
Soy Sustainability – Buzzword or Reality?
There are many buzzwords floating around agriculture and social media. Probably one of the most tossed around words is “sustainability,” which is used interchangeably with…
Ground Work 2021: Planting Cover Crops into New York State Soybeans
Our crops are maturing quickly. We had several days with a little rain through the first half of September. Then we had a few warm,…
Ground Work 2021: Managing Disease and Insect Pressure in Alabama Soybeans
It’s the time of year when diseases and insects invade our growing crops. All the crops are growing well and we are currently looking good…
Ground Work 2021: Growing Soybeans and Markets in New York State
Our crops continue to look good. The weather in our area of the U.S. Northeast has been dry, but our soybeans and corn haven’t been…
Ground Work 2021: Soybeans – and Other Crops – Blooming in Alabama
Our soybeans, and the rest of our crops, are looking good so far this season. This month, we have had adequate rainfall every few weeks…
Ground Work 2021: Soybeans Thriving in New York State
Our crops are looking good. Although the weather has been dry, we have consistently been getting enough rain to help the crops grow. So far,…
Ground Work 2021: New York State Soybean Harvest Going Smoothly
My family is well into soybean harvest, and so far yields have been above average. With about three-fourths of the soybeans in our storage…
Ground Work 2021: Moisture Dictating Iowa Soybean Growth
The weather has been extremely dry in our area of Iowa, and that has slowed crop growth. Both our soybeans and corn are now growing…
Ground Work 2021: Crops Progressing in Alabama
We finished planting our full-season crops by the end of May. Then we started harvesting winter wheat on June 1. However, after cutting just one semi-load, rain and wet…