Food & Lifestyle

Soy Supports Healthy Snacking

Lisa Humphreys

Lisa Humphreys

United Soybean Board

Ground Work

Ground Work: Sharing Sustainable U.S. Soy Solutions for Everyday Life

Steve Reinhard|Jul 3, 2024

The Ground Work series shares the perspectives of U.S. soybean farmers as they observe how the U.S. Soy industry lays the groundwork to grow innovative,…


Improve Energy Efficiency — and Comfort — with U.S. Soy

USSOY Staff Writer|Jun 17, 2024

Crank up the air conditioning. Or the furnace. Open the windows. Or close them. Grab a fan. Or a blanket. These are just a few…

Food & Lifestyle

Cooking Benefits and Smoke Point of Soybean Oil

Lisa Humphreys|Apr 19, 2024

Understanding Soybean Oil: Its Smoke Point and Nutritional Benefits Soybean oil is a popular cooking oil that has maintained an important place in kitchens around…

Food & Lifestyle

Smoke marks the spot at barbecue comps

Joseph L. Murphy|Jan 5, 2024

I'm sure you've heard the famous saying X marks the spot. That may be true for some things but in the world of competitive barbecuing,…

Food & Lifestyle

Ground Work: Judging Barbecue – It’s Soy Delicious

Dawn Scheier|Dec 18, 2023

The Ground Work series shares the perspectives of U.S. soybean farmers as they observe how the U.S. Soy industry lays the groundwork to grow innovative,…

When it comes to dietary fat, it’s the type that matters much more than the amount, & research is clear that unsaturated plant-based fats—including soybean oil—are better for health than saturated fats. Read more about the health benefits of soybean oil.
Food & Lifestyle

The health benefits of unsaturated fats in soybean oil

Carrie Dennett, MPH, RDN|Sep 1, 2023

When it comes to dietary fat and health, it’s the type that matters much more than the amount, and research is clear that unsaturated plant-based…

Food & Lifestyle

Beyond Food: Go Green at Work with U.S. Soy

Lisa Humphreys|Aug 29, 2023

For many of us, a large portion of our days are spent at work. In fact, the average person will spend 90,000 hours (about 10…

Ultra-processed foods are typically comprised of ingredients extracted from other foods. Discover soy's role in ultra-processed foods and a balanced diet.
Food & Lifestyle

What is Soy’s Role in Ultra-Processed Foods and a Balanced Diet?

Lisa Humphreys|Aug 24, 2023

Maintaining a balanced diet is key to our overall health. However, the language of nutrition can sometimes complicate our understanding of what a balanced diet…

Food & Lifestyle

Fueling your summer fun with soy

Jenna Braddock, MSH, RDN, CSSD, LD/N|Jun 14, 2023

For many families, the summer is a break from the fast-paced life of school semesters, sports seasons, and activities. Space finally opens up to relax…

Food & Lifestyle

Explore 5 Fascinating Facts About Seed Oils

Lisa Humphreys|May 9, 2023

You Should Continue Adding Seed Oil Into Your Diet. Here’s Why. Vegetable oils are some of the most widely consumed cooking oils in the U.S.,…