
Buyers Conference Keeps Crusher “Highly Connected” with U.S. Soy Supply Chain

Luis Lauro Gonzalez Alanis|Nov 28, 2018

Luis Lauro Ganzalez learned a lot about U.S. Soy at USSEC's recent Americas Buyers Conference, the latest event he credits with keeping him "highly connected"…

Around the World

Market Access Helps Exporters Build Relationships with U.S. Soy Buyers

Brian Arnold|Nov 10, 2018

As an exporter, Brian Arnold depends on market access. He credits the U.S. Soybean Export Council with keeping him updated on market access issues and…

Ground Work

“Our Family is Helping to Nourish Families around the World”

USSOY Staff Writer|Oct 28, 2018

During visits to U.S. Soy farms, Chinese buyers and U.S. growers make human connections. Building these personal relationships helps to enhance buyers' confidence in U.S.…

Around the World

Relationships Key to Trust Between U.S. Soy and its Customers

Ken Isley|Oct 22, 2018

Ken Isley, U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Administrator, says relationships between the U.S. Soy industry and its customers are necessary in order to…


Relationships Hold Firm: Chinese Trade Team Visits with Missouri Soybean Farmers

Jen Del Carmen|Sep 30, 2018

As the trade skirmish continues, U.S. Soy and Chinese buyers maintain their long-term partnership The morning of August 28 was exceptionally hot and humid, even…


U.S. Soy Regional Trade Exchanges Help Bridge Relationships

Kevin Roepke|Sep 29, 2018

The U.S. Soy industry’s regional trade exchanges help bring buyers and sellers together in an environment that encourages commercial transactions. In July 2018, the U.S.…

Ground Work

Soy Sale: Farmers Work To Market Crop At Premier Soybean Event

Matthew Wilde|Sep 6, 2018

Farmers and trade experts believe you sell nearly 4.6 billion bushels of soybeans one deal and handshake at a time. There’s no better place to…