Food & Lifestyle

The U.S. could soon be tempted by tempeh

Joseph L. Murphy|Apr 12, 2023

You could smell the sweet smoke of the coconut charcoal wafting from the grill. The protein was on, and judging by the smell, you knew…

Food & Lifestyle

Developing a Global Taste for Soyfoods

Linda Funk|May 10, 2020

Here’s how culinary professionals learn from each other’s cultures and cuisines. These examples demonstrate how U.S.-grown soy fulfills global nutrition needs and contributes to contemporary…


Indonesia – Illinois Connections Demonstrate Soy Customer Support

Illinois Soybean Association|Nov 1, 2019

U.S. soy farmers and industry organizations support every part of the soybean export process. Many qualified state soybean boards (QSSBs) develop strong ties with buyers…