Ground Work 2021: Alabama Planting Season
Ground Work 2021: Post-Harvest Planning in Michigan Supports Sustainable Practices Next Year
We finished harvesting our crops in mid-November. Wet weather slowed all farmers in our region of the eastern U.S. Midwest, so after we finished combining…
Ground Work 2021: With Kentucky Harvest Finished, It’s Time to Plan for Next Season
It was a long, wet fall. Rain continued to slow soybean harvest. We finally finished cutting soybeans on November 30. In our area of the…
Ground Work 2021: Finishing This Season and Preparing for Next Year in Iowa
The weather has been a challenge in our area of the U.S. Midwest throughout 2021. Thankfully, it cooperated enough in November to allow us to…
Ground Work 2021: Cutting Alabama Soybeans and Preparing for Next Year
We finally finished harvesting our soybeans on November 24, marking the end of our very long harvest season. We started harvesting single-season soybeans on November…
Ground Work 2021: Alabama Soybeans Filling Pods as Harvest Season Begins
Our crops are maturing, and that means fall fieldwork is just getting started. With our crop rotation, that means we are managing crops in a…
Ground Work 2021: North Dakota Soybean Harvest Rolling
Planting early and a hot, dry summer combined to allow us to start harvesting soybeans about 15 to 20 days earlier than normal. Those same…
Ground Work 2021: Planting Cover Crops into New York State Soybeans
Our crops are maturing quickly. We had several days with a little rain through the first half of September. Then we had a few warm,…
Ground Work 2021: Illinois Harvest Just Underway
We had hot, dry weather the last two weeks of August, in my area along the Mississippi River in the heart of the U.S. Midwest.…
Ground Work 2021: Kentucky Soybeans Maturing and Corn Harvest Starting
Both our double-crop soybeans and our corn crop are looking really good. The soybeans are nearly finished blooming, and we have just started shelling corn.…
Ground Work 2021: Season Just Starting to Change for Michigan Soybeans
As August ends and September begins, we are seeing the first signs of fall in our region of Michigan, in the eastern U.S. Midwest. I…