
Korean Food Processor Launches High Oleic Soybean Oil

Will McNair|Dec 16, 2019

Lotte Food, one of the largest food service companies in the North Asian region and a leading Korean food processor, announced in November 2019 that…


Nigeria: Commercial Soy Market in the Making

Illinois Soybean Association|Dec 9, 2019

Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa, has a growing market for soybeans. With the population expected to increase by more than 62 percent by…


Bred To Perform, High Oleic Soybeans Provide Proven Genetics

USB Staff Writer|Dec 6, 2019

High oleic soybeans have been in the product pipeline for more than a decade. With millions of dollars invested, seed companies took their time to…


Making a Comeback with High Oleic Soybean Oil

USB Staff Writer|Dec 1, 2019

Food manufacturers primarily have shifted to using palm oil and high oleic canola oil to replace partially hydrogenated soybean oil in baking and frying fats.…


Expanding Uses for High Oleic Soybeans

USB Staff Writer|Dec 1, 2019

The soy checkoff has collaborated with researchers to develop new markets for high oleic soybean oil, and recent results could make your engine a customer…


High Oleic Soybeans Offer Innovative Solutions For End Customers

USB Staff Writer|Nov 30, 2019

Today’s agriculture industry is innovative in many ways, from precision farming to auto-steering to varied seeding and fertilizer rates. Why should soybean varieties be any…


U.S. soybean farmers on mission to develop new markets

Missouri Ruralist|Nov 26, 2019

South Dakota soybean grower Dawn Scheier among those who visited Cambodia With the ongoing trade war impacting sales to the largest buyer of U.S. soybeans,…

Food & Lifestyle

Soy to the World

North Dakota Soybean Council|Oct 26, 2019

Valley City, North Dakota farmer Monte Peterson was struck by the importance that many cultures place on soyfoods while on a recent trip to China.…


Southern Soybean Breeders Meet to Compare Notes, Collaborate

University of Arkansas|Sep 14, 2019

United Soybean Board (USB) vice president for sustainability strategy Tim Venverloh recently attended the annual Southern Soybean Breeders Tour to learn more about the research…

Around the World

U.S. Soy Farmers: Understanding and Addressing What End Users Want

April Hemmes|Aug 22, 2019

Story By: Doug Winter, Illinois soybean farmer and United Soybean Board (USB) farmer-leader Quint Pottinger, Kentucky soybean farmer and Kentucky Soybean Association director April Hemmes,…