
Iowa Women Farmers Hone Marketing Skills for U.S. Soy

Joseph L. Murphy|Mar 30, 2022

Thin market, carryover, strengthening basis and arbitrage – the terms can be dizzying for those not directly tied to marketing soybean crops. But what if…

Food & Lifestyle

CEOs and CSOs

USB Staff Writer|Oct 1, 2020

Food & Lifestyle

Ask a Farmer: Importance of Sustainability

USB Staff Writer|Oct 1, 2020

Soybean farmers Reggie Strickland, Chuck Prellwitz and Kevin Wilson discuss why sustainable farming methods such as maintaining soil fertility and protecting water quality are so…

Food & Lifestyle

Ask a Farmer: Sustainability and Profitability

USB Staff Writer|Oct 1, 2020

Soybean farmers across the U.S. are actively working to improve their sustainability.

Food & Lifestyle

U.S. Soy Farmers Continually Commit to Sustainability, Giving Customers Choices

USB Staff Writer|Oct 1, 2020

From salad dressings to snack foods, more than 85% of U.S. soybeans are consumed in markets outside the U.S. and emerging and developed markets such…


Secondary Rail Markets Increasing

Alan Barrett|Dec 23, 2019

Farmers in the Upper Plain states are dependent on rail service for soybean export shipments, as rail is the most efficient transportation mode in rural…

Ground Work

Recapping the 2019 U.S. Soybean Crop Results

Rob Hatchett|Dec 5, 2019

Plantings and Crop Ratings The 2019 U.S. soybean crop has been one that many growers likely won’t soon forget. According to the U.S. Department of…

Ground Work

U.S. Soybean Harvest Surpasses Halfway Mark

Rob Hatchett|Nov 4, 2019

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) weekly Crop Progress report estimated that 62% of the 2019 U.S. soybean crop had been harvested as of October…


Heading Toward A Successful 2019 Soybean Harvest in the United States

Kim Nill|Oct 24, 2019

By Kim Nill and David Kee Although 2019 has brought numerous challenges for U.S. soybean farmers and their customers, buyers can be assured that the…


New Soybean Crushing Plant Provides Outlet for U.S. Farmers

Alan Barrett|Oct 4, 2019

Ag Processing Inc. (AGP) opened a 60 million bushel per year soybean crushing plant in Aberdeen, South Dakota and CHS Inc. announced it is expanding…