
A Quick Primer on U.S. Agricultural Trade

Katherine Baylis

Katherine Baylis

University of Illinois

Food & Lifestyle

North Asia Soy Food Report Analyzes Market Potential

USSEC Staff Writer|Feb 14, 2023

The first North Asia Soyfood Report from the U.S. Soybean Export Council, or USSEC, provides a comprehensive review of current market factors impacting the soy…

Animal Nutrition

Annual Attaché Report Optimistic for Chinese Soybean Demand

Rob Hatchett|May 6, 2020

USDA’s FAS attaché Post is predicting higher demand for soybeans in China, which would potentially be a positive development for U.S. Soy.


China Poised to Boost Domestic Reserves

Rob Hatchett|Apr 28, 2020

China is looking to boost its domestic reserves of soybeans and U.S. Soy may be the answer.


U.S. Soy Industry Efforts Remain Diligent in China Markets

Eric Gibson|Oct 3, 2018

There has been no shortage of media coverage and news regarding trade relations between the U.S. and China; much of the attention has focused on…


The Importance of Long-term Partnerships with Overseas Customers: An Industry Perspective

USSEC Staff Writer|Sep 8, 2017

Lucas Blaustein wasn’t raised on a farm, and he speaks Mandarin Chinese. As an export trader for containerized commodities at Consolidated Grain and Barge (CGB),…