
Brazil’s Minimum Freight Rates May be Ruled Unconstitutional

Alan Barrett|Feb 26, 2020

A possible truckers’ strike in Brazil could potentially affect the U.S. soy industry.


Paving of BR-163 Improves Brazil Northern Arc Ports

Alan Barrett|Feb 7, 2020

Improvements to Brazilian infrastructure could potentially affect the U.S. soy industry.


Brazil Northern Arc Exports Changing the Electrical Grid

Alan Barrett|Oct 1, 2019

Nowhere is the impact of increasing Brazil soybean exports felt more than the “Northern Arc.” Brazil is the largest soybean exporter and second largest corn…


Highway BR-163 in Northern Brazil Reopened; Issues Remain

Alan Barrett|Apr 3, 2019

Talk of improving Brazil’s highway system has long been a topic of interest as it would improve their competitiveness in the world market. Although the…


Transportation: U.S. versus Brazil

USB Staff Writer|Jan 6, 2016

How Brazil's infrastructure makes delivery costly and unsustainable