Cover cropping is a management practice in which fields are planted not with the specific goal of a harvested crop, but to provide ground cover that benefits the farm and its surrounding ecosystem. In a cover crop system, the field is seeded into a mix of plants whose whole purpose is to protect and enhance the soil after the production crop has been harvested. These can include species such as cereal rye, triticale, oats, vetch, clover, turnips and radishes.
USSEC Staff Writer
Staff Writer
U.S. Soybean Export Council
USSEC is a dynamic partnership of key stakeholders, representing soybean producers, commodity shippers, merchandisers, allied agribusinesses and agricultural organizations. Through a global network of international offices and strong support in the U.S., we help build a preference for U.S. soybeans and soybean products, advocate for the use of soy in feed, aquaculture and human consumption, promote the benefits of soy use through education and connect industry leaders through a robust membership program.