The U.S. Soy industry continually works to ensure the needs of its international customers. Through research on meal innovations that enhance the nutritional density of U.S. Soy, the industry develops a more desirable product for animal agriculture producers abroad. Researching protein genetics and turning fiber into energy are just two of the exciting developments aimed at further differentiating U.S. soybean meal from the competition.
The Research: Discovering New Protein Genetics
What it is: Researchers with Corteva Agriscience are currently evaluating 15,000 lines of soybeans for high protein soybean traits that maintain oil levels and yield.
What it does: This research program looks to provide U.S. farmers with a high-yielding soybean that also offers higher protein content, which enhances value for the end-user. High-yield and high-protein soybeans ensure a consistent supply of U.S. Soy with the traits customers need.
What’s next: As researchers identify new sources of protein genes, those improved traits will be incorporated into high-yielding soybean lines for testing. These advanced U.S. soybeans will provide the oil and protein content end-users need and the high yields farmers want.
The Research: Converting Fiber to Energy
What it is: This research focuses on reducing raw-ingredient components animals cannot digest by turning indigestible carbohydrates, such as oligoasaccharides, into something the animal can put to use. Poultry and livestock nutritionists want the most nutrient-dense, efficient feeds and this research increases the profit potential of using U.S. soybean meal in their feed.
What it does: Through traditional breeding methods, this non-GMO trait reduces the oligoasaccharide content in soybeans and turns indigestible carbohydrates into energy, increasing the value of U.S. soybean meal for customers.
What’s next: With confirmation from the feed trials that this trait provides value, researchers will further explore soybean lines with low oligosaccharide content and develop them into varieties for use by the livestock industry in the U.S. and around the world.
Interested in purchasing U.S. Soy? The U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC) can help! Contact USSECto get connected with U.S. Soy representatives and technical experts in your region.