Ninety-seven percent of U.S. farms are family owned. As stewards of the land, most soybean farmers make it their mission to leave the land better than they found it for future generations. Soybeans are an inherently sustainable crop, offering environmental and agronomic benefits. U.S.-grown soybeans result in a shorter supply chain for the food industry, as well as reduced transportation costs and a lower carbon footprint.
USB Staff Writer
Staff Writer
United Soybean Board
United Soybean Board’s 78 volunteer farmer-directors work on behalf of all U.S. soybean farmers to achieve maximum value for their soy checkoff investments. These volunteers invest and leverage checkoff funds in programs and partnerships to drive soybean innovation beyond the bushel and increase preference for U.S. soy. That preference is based on U.S. soybean meal and oil quality and the sustainability of U.S. soybean farmers.