Even in today’s fast-paced digital world, there is often no faster path to understanding than face-to-face collaboration. The International Animal Nutrition Working Group charts this collaborative track for U.S. soy’s international customers.

Face-to-face meetings mean grabbing passports and hopping on one, two or even four flights to sit down with animal nutritionists, soy buyers and end users. A few U.S. farmers recently traveled to Thailand to meet with members of IANWG. This in-person time promoted the value and benefits of U.S. soy with Southeast Asian buyers.

Supported by the soy checkoff, the IANWG regularly brings together farmers, buyers and end users of soybeans to build relationships and foster understanding of other perspectives, all to ensure U.S. soybean meal delivers the quality customers require. The United Soybean Board, American Soybean Association and United States Soybean Export Council bring together their expertise and talent to this cooperative group, building preference and demand for U.S. soy around the world.

Farmers Tell Their U.S. Soy Story

“Nobody does a better job of promoting U.S. soy than our growers,” said Timothy Loh, USSEC’s regional director in Southeast Asia. “They are a personification of the mission we have. Their message is personal. The contact they make with the customer is genuine.”

Matthew Clark, managing director of FeedGuys in Singapore and a presenter at the meeting, said U.S. soybean farmers give Asian buyers confidence in U.S. soy. The farmers demonstrate they are strong businesspeople, impressing customers with their tech savviness and skill at sharing information.

The meetings are equally as valuable to the farmers who attend.

April Hemmes, USB farmer-leader from Hampton, Iowa, said the personal relationships they develop at the meetings help increase demand for U.S. soy.