Weather in southwest Minnesota has been less than ideal so far.
Mother Nature has kept us out of the field, and we are waiting for the ground to dry out before the crop goes in.
Although we are behind our targeted schedule, we are using this time to make sure we are ready to get into the field as soon as weather allows. We are in our shed, performing yearly maintenance, ensuring our planters and sprayers will be ready for the planting season.
Adding cover crops to our fields is sustainable and economically feasible in our operation. The cover crops protect our soil from wind and water erosions. When the time comes to get back into the field, we will be getting rid of winter cover crops. Before last year’s harvest, we planted cover crops and allowed them to grow throughout the winter.
Although the weather isn’t cooperating now, I want our international customers to know we are still doing everything we can to produce the best quality beans. That’s our main priority as farmers – to have healthy soil in order to grow the best beans possible. Hopefully, we will be planting our beans soon.