The world is heating up. 2023 was the warmest year ever recorded, with global average temperatures almost 1.5°C warmer than pre-industrial levels.[1]

The impact of the climate crisis is affecting more people and ecosystems around the world. The warming of the planet is causing more frequent and erratic weather events, such as droughts, floods and storms, putting a huge stress on the natural environment.

Food producers and farmers are particularly affected, with shifting weather patterns, increased pests and disease and a loss of biodiversity impacting productivity and forcing them to adjust how, when and where they manage their land.

If average temperatures continue to rise, the effects will be greater and felt by more and more people. According to science, should our planet warm up by more than 2°C, the impact is likely to be catastrophic, with irreversible consequences.[2]

Farming is at the heart of the climate crisis. In the race to produce more crops for a growing global population, the pressure compels farmers to strive for more output on the same or even reduced areas of land. However, traditional farming practices often lead to soil degradation, water scarcity, and increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To meet the growing demand sustainably, the agricultural sector faces a dual challenge: increase productivity while minimizing environmental impact.

Agriculture’s true climate impact

Agriculture contributes around 10% of total U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (compared with almost 30% that comes from transportation and 25% from the energy generation sector).[3] This amounts to around 669 million tons of CO2 equivalents – roughly equivalent to the amount of CO2 burned by powering 87.2 million homes for one year. Most of those GHGs (55%) are a result of agricultural soil management, including fertilizer applications or tillage practices. The majority of the rest comes from livestock that give off potent methane as part of the digestive process.[4]

However, productivity gains in crop and livestock production can help agriculture reduce per-unit emissions. Increased investment in agricultural research can significantly support farmers in capturing more carbon in their soils with voluntary and incentive-based practices and markets. U.S. soybean farmers are at the forefront of this effort, employing innovative practices and advanced technologies to enhance yields and reduce their carbon footprint.

The advancement of technology

Advances in, and access to, affordable technology and solutions is making a big difference. For example, precision agriculture is revolutionizing farming by enabling more efficient use of resources. This technology-driven approach involves the use of data analytics, GPS, and remote sensing to optimize crop management.

Advanced soil sensors and drones equipped with multispectral cameras allow farmers to monitor soil health and crop conditions in real-time. These tools provide critical data on soil moisture, nutrient levels, and plant health, enabling precise application of water, fertilizers, and pesticides. This precision reduces waste, enhances crop yields, and minimizes environmental impact.

GPS-guided tractors and harvesters enhance farming efficiency by ensuring precise planting, fertilizing, and harvesting. These machines reduce overlap and gaps in field operations, leading to better resource utilization and less soil compaction. The result is healthier soil and more robust crop growth.

Sustainable farming practices have become a necessity

It is not all about technology, however. Many of the productivity enhancements have come about through the adoption of more sustainable farming practices which can play a crucial role in reducing the environmental burden of agriculture. U.S. soybean farmers are increasingly adopting methods that improve soil health, conserve water, and enhance biodiversity – all of which help also help to reduce the impact of extreme weather events, and make droughts and floods less detrimental, for example.

For example, many are using cover cropping techniques which involves planting crops such as clover, rye, or vetch during off-seasons to protect and enrich the soil. These cover crops prevent soil erosion, enhance soil structure, and increase organic matter. By improving soil health, cover cropping enhances the resilience and productivity of subsequent soybean crops.

Meanwhile, conservation tillage minimizes soil disturbance, preserving soil structure and moisture. This practice reduces erosion and promotes water infiltration, leading to better soil health and reduced runoff. Conservation tillage also helps sequester carbon in the soil, mitigating the impacts of climate change.

Plenty of soybean farmers are also engaging in crop rotation, alternating soybean planting with other crops such as corn, wheat, or legumes. This practice breaks pest and disease cycles, improves soil fertility, and reduces the need for chemical inputs.

Optimizing water use is critical

The efficient use of water, that critical resource for agriculture, is essential for sustainable farming. U.S. soybean farmers are implementing innovative strategies to optimize water use and reduce waste. Modern irrigation systems, such as drip and pivot irrigation, deliver water directly to plant roots, minimizing evaporation and runoff. These systems are often controlled by sensors and weather data to ensure precise water application. Efficient irrigation reduces water consumption and enhances crop resilience to drought.

Elsewhere, advances in plant genetics are providing farmers with new tools to cope with environmental challenges. Through selective breeding and biotechnology, researchers are developing soybean varieties that are more resilient to drought, heat, and pests. Drought-tolerant soybean varieties are designed to maintain productivity under water-stressed conditions. These varieties often have deeper root systems and more efficient water use, enabling them to thrive in dry environments. By planting drought-tolerant crops, farmers can sustain yields during periods of water scarcity. Meanwhile, pest-resistant soybean varieties reduce the need for chemical pesticides, lowering environmental impact and production costs. Genetically engineered (GE) seeds were commercially introduced in the U.S. for major field crops in the 1990s, with adoption rates steadily increasing since then. Currently, more than 90% of U.S. soybeans are produced using GE varieties.[5]

Decoupling growth from environmental impact is possible

All of these efforts are working to improve soybean yields. According to the latest USDA data,[6] U.S. soybean farmers are achieving 50.6 bushels per acre (bu/acre), compared to just 38.1 bu/acre in 2000. In 1960, the figure was just 23.5 bu/acre, which shows how sustainable farming practices are enabling farmers to do more with less.

As with any improvement program, there is still room for improvement. Sustainable agriculture requires collaboration among farmers, researchers, and communities. Government programs, such as the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) and the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) provide financial and technical assistance to farmers that adopt conservation practices. These programs support efforts to improve soil health, water quality, and biodiversity, enhancing overall farm sustainability. “Technology and research are underway to highlight how soil health practices can help make extreme weather events less detrimental – soaking up excess moisture, for example,” says Jack Cornell, the United Soybean Board’s Director of Sustainable Supply. “Currently, U.S. soybean farmers are on the outside of any benefits for the work they do to help communities that get exposed to climate impacts. But maybe there is a way to proactively support farmers to do more to improve soil health that would then require less expenditure on infrastructure repairs, for example.”

As climate change continues to pose challenges for agriculture, the commitment of U.S. Soy farmers to sustainable practices is more important than ever. Their success serves as a model for the global agricultural community, demonstrating that it is possible to achieve both productivity and sustainability.






