Because nematodes are a constantly evolving pest, the North Central Soybean Research Program and the United Soybean Board have joined forces on a National Soybean Nematode Strategic Plan. Soy checkoff organizations are working with public universities and agricultural companies to coordinate and support complementary projects to develop short- and long-term solutions for parasitic nematode control.
The strategic plan encompasses research, education and outreach efforts with the ultimate goal of maximizing farmer profitability in the face of increasing nematode threats. There are six main goals:
1: Develop Nematode Genomic and Genetic Tools, Resources and Data (Nematode focus)
2: Discover, Leverage and Enhance Native Nematode Resistance in Soybean (Soybean focus)
3: Engineer Resistance Using Molecular Tools to Generate or Improve Nematode Resistance (Transgenic focus)
4: Assess the Impacts of New Management Practices on Nematode Population Dynamics (Management focus)
5: Conduct Nematode Surveys for Improved Diagnostics and Economic Impact (Information focus) 6: Foster Extension, Education and Outreach (Audience focus)