Soybean Value Calculator
The U.S. Soybean Export Council’s Soybean Value Calculator is an innovative tool that enables crushers to calculate and compare the economic value of crushing soybeans from different origins.
Based on origin-specific whole soybean characteristics, the calculator estimates the true, quality-adjusted whole soybean crush margin by accounting for co-product yields, soybean meal nutrient value, soybean oil refining costs, and plant efficiencies. The results of two other value calculators are integrated into the Soybean Value Calculator. Estimated soybean meal nutrient value is derived from the Nutrient Value Calculator, and soybean oil quality and refining yield estimates are derived from the Soybean Oil Value Calculator.
Customers should enter data specific to their facility or experience, along with composition and physical factor data of whole soybeans, to analyze the estimated total benefit of U.S. Soy relative to other origins.