Mississippi River Flooding Impacts on Cash Basis is Currently Limited
The inland Mississippi River system plays a major role in transporting commodities, especially soybeans and corn. When comparing the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Iowa…
Upper Mississippi River Closing Extended as Flooding Continues
Farmers and merchandisers located in areas at flood levels that needed to market crops in March and April have been harmed by the limitations placed…
Higher Truck Freight Rates in Brazil Spurring Investment
The Minimum Freight Rate Table (MFRT) established to end the Brazilian truckers’ strike in 2018 allows carriers to charge from 50 to 300 percent more…
Brazilian Government Supports Higher Freight Rates
With Brazilian corn and soybean crops’ estimated crop size continually increasing, the importance of the Minimum Freight Rate Table (MFRT) also continues to rise. In…
Container Shipping Can Help Diversify International Sales of U.S. Soybeans
The soybean industry has been a vital engine of the American economy for years. One measure of its economic contribution is in global trade: soybeans…
Transportation Infrastrucuture Projects Improving the Environment
Transportation infrastructure projects reduce congestion and improve efficiency, which improves economic returns, reduces traffic related deaths, limits environmental impacts and reduces government expenditures. Often when…
Highway BR-163 in Northern Brazil Reopened; Issues Remain
Talk of improving Brazil’s highway system has long been a topic of interest as it would improve their competitiveness in the world market. Although the…
Soy Oil Suppliers’ Profits Threatened by Booming U.S. Crude Oil Production
The availability and steady cost of transportation equipment is often taken for granted. A major cost increase in transportation equipment can surprise suppliers because the…
Brazil’s Soy Crop May Shrink, Slowing Exports
Brazil’s attaché office issued its latest Oilseeds and Products Update in late January. In the report, the post noted that Brazilian farmers were estimated to…
Harsh Winter Impacts Barge Rates and Basis Levels
When transportation infrastructure experiences issues, people pay attention. On a positive note, disruptions provide concrete demonstrations as to how the waterway system impacts farmers’ cash…