Ground Work 2022: North Carolina Livestock and Crops Growing
While I know that many areas of the U.S. are desperate for the rain to stop, in our area of the Southeast, we are desperate…
Ground Work 2022: Cool, Stormy Weather Slows Catfish Growth and Planting
This spring, we’ve had an unusual number of strong storms in our area of the Southern U.S. Starting in mid-March, we had below-average temperatures, cloud…
U.S. Soy: A Critical Ingredient to Global Food, Energy Needs
Mac Marshall, vice president of market intelligence for the United Soybean Board and the U.S. Soybean Export Council, recently sat down with Forbes contributor Phil…
Ground Work 2022: Cool Temperatures Slow North Carolina Planting
April weather has been cooler than average in our area of the southeastern U.S., with temperatures dipping below 4°C, or 40°F, in the middle of…
Ground Work 2022: Meet North Carolina Farmer Reggie Strickland
Throughout the 2022 growing season, will provide regular Ground Work updates from several U.S. soybean farmers around the country. Follow their updates, #GroundWork2022, to…
Nigeria Now: Pursuit of Nutrition Security enabled by Collaboration
With a population of 211 million people, Nigeria is the seventh most populous country and forecast to jump to third in less than 30 years.…
U.S. Soybean Meal Quality Advantage
Soybean meal is one of the most utilized feed ingredients in swine and poultry nutrition. The comprehensive value of soybeans and soybean meal are determined…
The Energy in U.S. Soybean Meal Provides More Value to Animals Than Soybean Meal as Compared with Soy of Other Origins
Energy contribution in soybean meal is often undervalued, but is a key consideration when formulating diets because it is the most expensive component and is…
U.S. Soybean Meal’s Amino Acid Profile Best Promotes Digestibility for Swine (vs. Brazil)
Consistent soybean meal improves diet formulation applications for nutritionists, reduces nutrient waste, lowers cost, and delivers significant value for end users of soybean meal. Compared…
U.S. Soybean Meal’s Amino Acid Profile Best Promotes Digestibility for Poultry (vs. Brazil)
To know the true value of soybean meal, its amino acid profile and the digestibility of those amino acids must be considered. Soybean meal digestibility…