Food & Lifestyle

U.S. Soy Is the Miracle Bean

Hannah Schlapp|Jan 18, 2021

Soybeans are often called “miracle beans.” Their uses are endless, dependable and, most importantly, sustainable.

Food & Lifestyle

Partnership Feeds Hope, Taking Care of Those on the Frontlines of COVID-19

Julie Deering|Oct 30, 2020

While those on the frontlines of COVID-19 are tasked with taking care of the sick, USSEC joins forces with USA Poultry & Egg Export Council…


High Oleic Soybeans Deliver Oil without Trans Fats

American Soybean Association|Sep 8, 2020

High oleic soybeans were developed with support from the soy checkoff as an innovation that helps soybean farmers meet customer needs for zero transfats.


The Quest for Customer Innovation

USB Staff Writer|Jan 18, 2020

It’s not often that farmers radically change the way they produce a crop. But when it happens, it can make a major, positive impact on…


High Oleic Soybeans Provide Performance

USB Staff Writer|Dec 30, 2019

In the field or in the fryer, high oleic meets needs You expect the seeds you plant to meet high standards. Soybeans have to perform,…


Korean Food Processor Launches High Oleic Soybean Oil

Will McNair|Dec 16, 2019

Lotte Food, one of the largest food service companies in the North Asian region and a leading Korean food processor, announced in November 2019 that…


U.S. High Oleic Soybean Oil Paves Way For Cleaner Asphalt

USSEC Staff Writer|Dec 11, 2019

The United Soybean Board (USB), Iowa Soybean Association, Asphalt Paving Association of Iowa, and the research team at Iowa State University recently came together to…


Bred To Perform, High Oleic Soybeans Provide Proven Genetics

USB Staff Writer|Dec 6, 2019

High oleic soybeans have been in the product pipeline for more than a decade. With millions of dollars invested, seed companies took their time to…


Making a Comeback with High Oleic Soybean Oil

USB Staff Writer|Dec 1, 2019

Food manufacturers primarily have shifted to using palm oil and high oleic canola oil to replace partially hydrogenated soybean oil in baking and frying fats.…


Expanding Uses for High Oleic Soybeans

USB Staff Writer|Dec 1, 2019

The soy checkoff has collaborated with researchers to develop new markets for high oleic soybean oil, and recent results could make your engine a customer…